The monthly style bag will come with a fashion item, which would be a top, dress, pants, or shoes, and an accessory which would be a scarf, jewelry item, or gift item. On a rare occasion you may receive a compilation of items that create a set and may not be a clothing item, for example, a high end makeup set, but this will only be once or twice per year. All of the products will be full sized products that we sell in store! If you receive samples they will be counted as extra goodies!
Pay $20 more and up the fashion! You will receive items that are values at $80 or higher. On rare occasion you may receive a box that contains one more expensive item but in most cases it will be 2 - 3 full sized products that we sell in store.
All bags are hand picked by The Ivory Closet founder, Alexandra Nicole. Each bag will be themed and super fun! Great for a gift or keep for yourself. We know you will be CRAZY about our bags but on the rare occasion you receive something that just isn't you, gift it to a friend as it will come with all tags in tact!
You will not be permitted to return items from your style box in store or online. All items in the style box are final. This subscription will bill monthly and will run until you call to cancel. Should you wish to cancel your subscription, please call 901-527-9538.